I... this is gonna sound so weird and stupid, but oh well: I just started to listen to music again.
I realized that during the last year, somewhere along the way, I had completely stopped listening to music. Some might wonder how I could, but I think it has something to do with being depressed. I mean, I listen to audiobooks allll the time. But I had not listened to music in months, maybe even over a year. I had no urge to do so, so I didn't. But, last week I put on my iTunes and made a list of "dancemusic", "Soundtracks" and one with "ballads". And I almost cried while listening to
one of my favourite songs, omg it felt so good to hear it again!
My darlings Sajore & Xir'ag (put on that song on that link and then look at this pic, maybe you can catch the emotion I had while painting this. ^_^) |
... While making this picture, I had my "ballads" list on. And I
really think it shows. Actually, after starting to listen to music again, I have begun to wonder if I've been painting so little just because I haven't been listening to music. Music makes so many emotions and without emotions there really is very little inspiration and so, no art.
But now there is, art and music! I've finished 4 paintings this last week. And been listening to music. Hehe-he... ^^;