
March 25, 2012

Honey (bloody) honey

This was supposed to be Drizzt Do'Urden. When Sajore didn't leave me alone I agreed to paint him instead. It was gonna be a really happy picture. And then he just glared... like THAT. Ugh, that vampire is sooooo irritating. :P But I just cannot stop painting him. Waaah!
As you can see. XP
He's growing up, my darling. ;_; I still love that second to bottom the most, he's actually psychotic happy there! XDD

March 21, 2012


My dragonbaby, hihihi. *^_^*
I did this from the larger picture I did a few months ago... but now I don't know where to use this... I wan't to use it somewhere ;_;
Maybe my DA journal or something? It's too tall to be a logo here. Agh! XD

March 5, 2012


I'm getting my fourth tattoo tomorrow. It's gonna be a tribal lion... I've been feeling lion'ish, which should explain this picture. XD
... I used a reference, because I'm not that good painting animals. I tried to make this look really artistic and not so realistic, but I don't think I succeeded in that.

My arm hurts and I can't paint that well, waaaah... so I kind of gave up on this too early maybe. Then again, I never planned for this painting to be anything but a little doodle to satisfy my lion-urge.

Now off to sleep, have to wake early to tomorrow to be pricked by a thousands needles and black ink, haha! XD