
March 11, 2013

Hobbit about Thranduil

I loved the hobbit movie, and I absolutely adored Lee Pace as Thranduil. When I saw the movie, I kept thinking: "I MUST paint that hair". And now I finally did. =D
Painted with Photoshop CS2, took about 5 hours.
The original was a wallpaper size, if you want to use that one, you can snatch it
from my Deviantart gallery. =D
A detail shot to show that I went a little crazy with the
details... again. XD

March 6, 2013

Vampiric eyecandy

There you go, a little fanservice. ;P ... I've been sick for almost 3 weeks, first kidney stones and then a flu. And it's been so freaking annoying not being able to draw and having so many ideas for drawings. Finally I got to draw something. I just realized I had not drawn a fullbody coloured picture of Sajore in a LONG time, so it needed to be done. :D

And it seems I completely forgot to post the valentinesday pic here, OMG! :O I'm sorry! Almost a month late, here is a little Sajore & Xir'ag loving, with a friendstwist:
Because blogger makes pictures really small if they are really wide or tall, you can view the bigger view at my DA gallery. Here's the link.